Service cost
By registering in your personal account, you will receive your personal calendar for 30 days of non-charged use to assess the benefits of planning your time on an individual energy calendar. After the end of this period, the service for displaying the analyzed days will cost:
By registering in your personal account, you will receive your personal calendar for 30 days of non-charged use to assess the benefits of planning your time on an individual energy calendar. After the end of this period, the service for displaying the analyzed days will cost:
- 0,17 USD / day for one-time payments;
- Payments are distributed for the number of displayed analyzed days in the calendar.
- If you do not pay for the service at the end of the last displayed analyzed day, the analysis of the personal days does not occur.
- If you have not used the service for a long time, then when the payment is made, the analysis of the days from the day of payment and further on the number of paid days will begin.
- Refunds and cancellation of transactions are not provided.
- You can pay in advance for any number of displayed analyzed days.